In Burlington, 20,000 bees swarmed a car, prompting beekeeper Dave Stotesbury's intervention. Remember, stay calm, contact a beekeeper, and avoid disturbing the bees. Safety and respect for these natural occurrences are paramount for both humans and bees.
Discover essential steps for successfully transitioning your newly purchased nuc colony into its hive. From pre-pickup preparations to careful transportation and installation techniques, this guide ensures a smooth start to your beekeeping journey. Learn how to optimize hive location, prevent bee overheating during transport, and implement effective installation methods. Follow these tips for a rewarding beekeeping experience and thriving bee colony.
Being a beekeeper isn't just a job for me—it's a way of life. Every day, I'm out there in the field, tending to my hives, ensuring that my bees are healthy and thriving. It's hard work, but it's work that I love. And one thing that helps me feel even more connected to the insects I respect and work with, as well as to nature itself, is drinking Honey Soda™.
Looking to build confidence, develop your technical beekeeping skills and/or learn the hands-on aspects of beekeeping?
Moving from theory to practice always presents a multitude of challenges. Whether it is building up the courage to work a hive of 60,000+ honey bees, looking to try your hands at the craft or need some coaching, our beekeeper has developed a mentorship program to help you with the tools you need to succeed.
The changing of the seasons can certinaly be a belssing and a curse at times it seems, but in the beekeeping world, it presents a unique set of advantages.