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Viking All Purpose Artisanal Conventional Flour

k2MILLING is an Ontario focused, artisan flour mill that operates as a continuation of the HAYHOE family’s 128 year legacy (1891-2019) in the milling industry in Ontario.

k2MILLING’s  mk2 mill was developed in-house. It is not a stone mill, hammer mill or roller mill. It is a kold mill. [It is not patented, but is  protected by the knights of the mill]. It’s unique design retains the flavour in the flour. Every other manner of milling sheds flavour. When the dust settles, all that is left is flavour. That is why we buy our food.

Milled from conventional hard red winter wheat from Nielson family farms in Alliston, Ontario. Great for pastry, flat breads and muffins.
