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This week’s Vegetable Box Feature: Microgreens... they aren’t just for salads!

Did you know?

  • Microgreens are young greens that are harvested around 1-2 weeks, just after   
  • There are over 25 different types of microgreens.
  • Microgreens can be harvested from many vegetables, such as
        arugula, broccoli, celery, and radishes.
  • Microgreens contain 40 times more nutrients than their fully grown counterparts.
  • Most microgreens are a great source of vitamin A, C, E, and K.
  • They have different tastes, some are sweet, spicy, bitter, peppery, or buttery.

Fun Fact:
Though we may just now be seeing microgreens on menus in recent years, their origin as a health food trend began in the 1980’s in San Francisco.

How to Store Them:
Store microgreens in the fridge and wash just before use in cold water to avoid damaging them.

How to Use Them:
Microgreens lose their nutrients very quickly when cooked, so try to eat them raw as much as possible. They are packed full of flavour, so try incorporating them into dishes in small amounts at first. Microgreens add a pop of colour to almost any dish, try using them as a garnish on pizza, avocado toast or even on top of soup. Add them to salads, sandwiches or wraps like you would lettuce or blend them into a smoothie to increase your nutrient intake.


Sweet Potato Hash Egg Skillet
Created By:
Erin Alderson

This sweet potato hash skillet is a play on the traditional egg and potato breakfast. The hash is full of flavor and makes for the perfect, hearty breakfast. 

1lb sweet potatoes
¼ yellow onion
1 large garlic clove
1 TBSP olive oil
1 tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp ground coriander
¼ tsp salt
2 large eggs

Skillet Toppings
Toasted Pepitas
Red pepper flakes

1. Peel and cut sweet potatoes into ¼” cubes. Slice the onion and mince the garlic, set aside. Heat an 8” or 10” skillet over medium-low. Add the olive oil followed by the onions and garlic. Sauté until translucent and fragrant, 4 to 5 minutes. 

  1. Stir in the sweet potatoes and cook until browning and tender, 12 to 15 minutes. If need be, drizzle 2 tablespoons of water into the pan and cover, helping steam the sweet potatoes slightly. 
  2. Stir in the spices and salt, cook for a minute more. Make two wells in the sweet potatoes. Crack the eggs into the wells, cover, reduce the heat to low, and let cook until the egg whites are set and the egg yolks have reached your desired consistency; 10 to 12 minutes for over-easy.
  3. Serve the egg skillet with a sprinkle of microgreens, toasted pepitas, and red pepper flakes. 

Tips & Tricks: I love using microgreens to top egg skillets. They add a bit of freshness and you can add a bit more flavor. I used broccoli microgreens for this specific recipe but you can use any!

Minestrone Soup
Created by:

Delicious on a cold winter day!

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup celery, chopped 
1 small onion, chopped
5 garlic cloves, minced 
2 medium or 1 large sweet potato, 1 inch cubed 
1 15oz can white beans
1/2 cup fresh basil, minced 
1/4 cup fresh parsley, minced 
1 handful of microgreens
1 TBSP fresh thyme
1 ½ tsp dried oregano
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 bay leaf
1 medium zucchini squash, 1/4 inch slice
1 head broccolini, separated into small florets
6 cups Vegetable broth
2 cups water 
Sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper 
Pasta, cooked Al Dente

1. Heat olive oil in a large Dutch oven/soup pot.  Add onions and celery.  Cook, stirring often, for 5-7 minutes or until the onions are translucent.  Add garlic and cook 30 seconds. Season with salt and pepper. (I think it is important to season as you go. Layering the flavors creates a nice amount of depth to your soup.)

  1. Add sweet potatoes, and white beans, all of the herbs and seasonings, vegetable broth and water. I prefer to use mostly fresh herbs whenever possible. For convenience you are welcome to substitute with dry herbs 3:1 (fresh to dried).
  2. Cover Minestrone Soup and bring to a boil. Depending on the thickness of your pan this may vary. Once boiling uncover and reduce to a gentle simmer for 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. 
  3. Add zucchini, squash and broccolini. Continue to simmer until the sweet potatoes are soft but not mushy.  
  4. At this point you would add your pasta AND if your soup is thinner than you would like feel free to add a little more vegetable broth. 
  5. Do not forget to season your soup. Its a deal breaker with food in my opinion. When I was in Culinary school we had an entire course about soups and seasoning them. As long as you are using high quality salt and adding a little as you go your flavors will stand out but not be “salty”.  
  6. Lastly, my Favorite part of the entire cooking process. What I choose to garnish my soup with. I didn’t make a point to add tomatoes into the cooking process because I wanted to add roasted tomatoes to the final product. They are a perfect sweet and tangy addition. A touch more of the chili peppers to create a little heat in my personal bowl.  Finally, always include something green and crisp. For this soup, I chose something a little bit less traditional and grabbed a handful of microgreens.

Pineapple Orange Green Smoothie with Microgreens
Created By: Flavour & Savour

A delicious, filling and healthy start to your day, post workout fuel or an afternoon power up!

1 ripe banana (peeled)
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
1 cup orange juice
3 cups microgreens
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 TBSP hemp hearts
1 TBSP Collagen (powder, optional)
4 ice cubes

1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Microgreen Pesto
Created By: Ingarden

This versatile pesto recipe calls for any of your favorite microgreens. this quick recipe will show you exactly how to make a superfood pasta sauce! 

3 cups of microgreens
2 cloves garlic
1/2 lemon of juice
1/2 cup nut of choice (pine nuts, walnuts, macadamia, pistachios, etc.), coarsely chopped 
1/3 cup freshly grated vegan parmesan cheese
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil (you may add more for a thinner pesto)
⅛-¼ tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1.  In a food processor, combine garlic, salt, and pepper. Pulse until a paste forms. Add the nuts and repeat. Add the cheese and repeat. 

  1.  Add the lemon juice, ⅓ cup olive oil, and half of the microgreens. Pulse until sauce begins to form. Add the remaining olive oil and microgreens, and then pulse until desired pesto consistency is achieved. If the pesto is too thick for your liking, you can add in more olive oil to thin it. Do not over blend or process on high as this will bruise the microgreens and yield an undesirable taste.
  2. Add this microgreen pesto sauce to your next dish of grilled vegetables, toasted bread, pizza, sandwich, pasta, spaghetti squash, salad, or eggs and enjoy! Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

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