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2 min read

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If you haven't already been in and seen their amazing meat products or have had the chance to meet Mike, we would love to take this chance to introduce you to Green Pastures Farm.  Over the past several months we've got to know Mike, who shares our values of producing high quality products and goals of creating a self sustaining business that provides quality food to the local community.  We asked him to weigh in on some simple but important questions and here is what he had to say...
1.Why farming?

My brother and I decided about two years ago that we wanted to be more connected to the land, to the food we eat and to spend more time together as a family.  As the farm and business grows, our appreciation of how important small family farms are from an environmental, food quality, animal welfare and community perspective continues to grow and is quickly becoming a passion!

 2.  Can you tell us a bit about the farm, what do you grow/raise and the practices you use?

Currently we raise grass fed and finished beef, pastured pork and pastured poultry (chicken and turkey).  We are transitioning the farm a traditional pasture approach (large fields and the animals are moved every few weeks) to a more regenerative approach where animals are moved frequently to new grass (our cows, chickens and turkeys are moved daily, where our pigs are moved every week).  This will improve the soil health and grass quality on the farm and ultimately the health of our animals and the numbers of animals that the farm can carry.  We are also working with other land owners who want animals pastured on their land under long term lease agreements as a way to expand our operation.

 3.  What is your favourite season on the farm?

Definitely the spring time when the grass starts to grow and there are baby calves, pigs and chicks on the farm.  The crisp fall days with stunning colours coming from the maple bush is a close second.

 4.  Any new products coming 2020?

It is our approach and goal to support other local farmers and producers of quality products while bringing value to our customers.  We are excited to soon be offering locally grown and prepared tea, locally roasted organic coffee and locally produced soaps.  We are also always on the look out for new products to carry, so if you’re looking for something or know of any local producers of goods that we should be carrying, please get in touch!

 5.  Why do you believe in local?

 Supporting local farms and businesses creates stronger individuals, communities and resilience to life’s ups and downs.  The experience of growing our farm and business has been one of the most rewarding ones of my life.  I think the more people that can experience the process of growing a business and watching it flourish, the better.  It builds confidence and a sense of community.  Small businesses are reliant on local people and other local businesses to grow and will therefore support other local businesses and ultimately the community as a whole.


You can find their website at https://greenpasturesfarm.ca/

Mike Dougherty

Green Pastures Farm


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